It Is Not About How Many But About How Much

The numbers game, everybody gets sucked into it. How many tasks you can complete, meetings you can attend, and milestones you can achieve. However, true fulfilment and success are rarely about the number of our actions; instead, they hinge on the quality of our experiences and the depth of our connections.

The Essence of Quality Over Quantity

Consider love as an example. It’s not about how many people you love or how many people love you back. It’s about how deeply you connect with those you love and how genuinely they connect with you. One profound relationship can greatly enrich your life beyond a dozen superficial ones.

Investing in the quality of your experiences means prioritizing depth over breadth. This could mean:

  • Fostering Deep Connections: Build and nurture meaningful relationships. Spend time understanding your colleagues, friends, and family more deeply.
  • Engaging Fully in Tasks: Focus on the tasks that matter most and engage with them fully. Quality work comes from a place of focus and commitment, not from spreading yourself too thin.
  • Reflecting and Growing: Take time to reflect on your experiences, learn from them, and grow. Quality experiences often provide more learning opportunities than a high quantity of mediocre ones.

Applying the Principle in Leadership

As a leader, you can influence how your team perceives success. Encourage a culture that values depth—whether it’s in relationships, project involvement, or personal growth. Your team will likely follow suit when you model and promote a focus on the quality of interactions and outputs.

This journey in life and work is about more than just reaching the finish line; it’s about how much you enrich your path. Focusing on the quality of your experiences and connections creates a richer, more fulfilling life. You can still strive for the finish line, just don’t forget the views on your way.

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I solve problems for big organisations. Impossible situations take 2 hours more to be fixed.
