Mediocrity is the path of least resistance, making it the most competitive.

Mediocrity often becomes the default path to success, not because people aim for it, but because it is the path of least resistance and not making choices.

Ironically, this makes mediocrity the most competitive space of all.

The Comfort of Mediocrity

Mediocrity is comfortable. It’s safe. It doesn’t demand the high stakes of excellence or the disapproval that failure often brings. When people choose to be average, they avoid risks, criticisms, and the relentless effort required to be exceptional. This comfort zone attracts a large crowd, making it highly competitive.

When everyone strives to be average, the competition among the mediocre is fierce. Schools, workplaces, and communities are filled with individuals doing just enough to get by, all vying for the same average rewards. The middle becomes crowded, and the opportunity to stand out diminishes.

The Irony of Competition

While it may seem paradoxical, the path of least resistance is crowded with competition because it’s where most people gravitate. In contrast, though arduous, the path to excellence often has fewer contenders. Fewer people will endure the hard work, persistence, and setbacks of striving for greatness.

To escape the crowd of mediocrity, one must be willing to endure discomfort and take risks. It requires a mindset that embraces challenges and values growth over comfort. It’s about setting higher standards for oneself and pushing beyond what’s easy.

Embracing Excellence

Excellence isn’t about being perfect; it’s about consistently striving to improve. It’s about making the extra effort, seeking feedback, and learning from failures. Those who pursue excellence understand that the journey is as important as the destination.

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I solve problems for big organisations. Impossible situations take 2 hours more to be fixed.
